Xintao Hu, Fan Deng, Kaiming Li, Tuo Zhang, Hanbo Chen, Xi Jiang, Jinglei Lv, Dajiang Zhu, Carlos Faraco, Degang Zhang, Arsham Mesbah, Junwei Han, Xiansheng Hua, Li Xie, Stephen Miller, Lei Guo, Tianming Liu
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia
The multimedia content analysis community has made significant effort to bridge the gap between low-level features and high-level semantics perceived by human cognitive systems such as real-world objects and concepts. In the two fields of multimedia analysis and brain imaging, both topics of low-level features and high level semantics are extensively studied. For instance, in the multimedia analysis field, many algorithms are available for multimedia feature extraction, and benchmark datasets are available such as the TRECVID. In the brain imaging field, brain regions that are responsible for vision, auditory perception, language, and working memory are well studied via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This paper presents our initial effort in marrying these two fields in order to bridge the gaps between low-level features and high-level semantics via fMRI brain imaging. Our experimental paradigm …
X Hu, F Deng, K Li, T Zhang, H Chen, X Jiang, J Lv… - Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference …, 2010