Felipe Klein Ricachenevsky, Ana Carolina Campos, Paloma Koprovski Menguer, Jaime Tovar, William van Dijk, Mary Lou Guerinot, David Salt, Paula Kover
Studies were conducted to identify genes controlling natural variation of elemental concentration in Arabidopsis thaliana through the use of multiparent advanced genetic intercrossed (MAGIC) lines combined with simultaneous quantification of 22 elements in leaves. Plant growth for elemental and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses were conducted. For yeast complementation, zrc1cot1 mutants were transformed with pDR196-AtMTP3 clones derived from either Col-0 or Kn-0 genomes. Complementation of Kn-0 with Col-0 genomic sequence was performed with the full length AtMTP3 locus in pCAMBIA1300 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation by floral dipping. Based on the results, QTL analyses identified several regions associated with variation in elemental concentrations. It was found that AtMTP3 was within a region associated with high Zn concentration. Among all the 19 parental accessions …