Mukhtar Muhammad, Musa Salisu Sani, Dauda Usman Jamil, Ibrahim Ahmad Atiku
Nigeria is a country with a complex and varied ethnic composition of its population. Ethnic differences in cephalic indices among many populations have been demonstrated in Nigeria (Odokuma et al., 2010; Maina et al., 2011; Esomonu and Badamasi, 2012; Adebisi et al., 2016). Some literatures have reported variation on cephalic index among various ethnic populations around the world (Mehta et al., 2014; Patro et al., 2014). Cephalic index has been used in determination of racial affinity (Ilayperuma, 2011) and sexual differences (Ilayperuma, 2011; Maina et al., 2011). It is the percentage of breadth (the distance between the most projecting points at the sides of the head, usually a little above and behind the ears) to length (distance between glabella and the most projecting point at the back of the head) in the skull (Shah et al., 2015). Cephalic index have also been studied in various pathological conditions (Fawehinmi and Ligha, 2011; Maria and Manjunath, 2011), and comparison of changes in cephalic index between parents, offspring’s or siblings can give information about the genetic transmission of the inherited characters (Shah and Jadhav,(2004). The relevant data on cephalic index of a population is very much essential in designing various orthopaedic and physiotherapic equipments of head and face like cranial remodeling Band (helmet), head phones, goggles etc by formulating standard sizes (Singh and Purkit, 2006).
Academic performance of university students is obtained through cumulative grade point Average (CGPA), which is a tool use to evaluate student’s performance based on which final classification of degree is …