Olivia Hadiwirawan
The new millenial students had different challenges when studying in university level. The vast development of technology made informations obtained faster and easier, nonetheless the new millenial still struggle in developing their knowledge and way of thinking with those many informations. This paper examined the university’s students way of thinking which fall in identification method and how students used the method to understand phenomena. The pitfall of identification model is students could not use the theory to explain and analyze phenomena. Thus, for students, theory only served as instrumental tools and the purpose of education is to master the knowledge. This paper reflects the missing philosophy of education for the millennial students. With the technology and globalization, millennial students tend to see the world and everything in it, including knowledge, as something to obtain and object to consume. University needs to introduce emancipation model of education, in which knowledge could assist students to acquire autonomy and self-responsibility. Although it still quite far away for students to perceive knowledge and education would emancipate them from domination and oppression, this paper shows how critical thinking class could introduce emancipate model through integration of self-reflection and critical thinking in taskassignment.