Jun Yang, Peng Gong, Rong Fu, Minghua Zhang, Jiancheng Shi, Robert Dickinson
Satellite remote sensing has provided major advances in understanding the climate system and its changes, by quantifying processes and spatio-temporal states of the atmosphere, land and oceans. In this Review, we highlight some important discoveries about the climate system that have not been detected by climate models and conventional observations; for example, the spatial pattern of sea-level rise and the cooling effects of increased stratospheric aerosols. New insights are made feasible by the unparalleled global- and fine-scale spatial coverage of satellite observations. Nevertheless, the short duration of observation series and their uncertainties still pose challenges for capturing the robust long-term trends of many climate variables. We point out the need for future work and future systems to make better use of remote sensing in climate change studies.
J Yang, P Gong, R Fu, M Zhang, J Chen, S Liang, B Xu… - Nature climate change, 2013
J Yang, P Gong, R Fu, M Zhang, J Chen, S Liang, B Xu… - Nature Climate Change, 2014