Matthias Ivantsits, Leonid Goubergrits, Jan-Martin Kuhnigk, Markus Huellebrand, Jan Bruening, Tabea Kossen, Boris Pfahringer, Jens Schaller, Andreas Spuler, Titus Kuehne, Yizhuan Jia, Xuesong Li, Suprosanna Shit, Bjoern Menze, Ziyu Su, Jun Ma, Ziwei Nie, Kartik Jain, Yanfei Liu, Yi Lin, Anja Hennemuth
Medical Image Analysis
The Cerebral Aneurysm Detection and Analysis (CADA) challenge was organized to support the development and benchmarking of algorithms for detecting, analyzing, and risk assessment of cerebral aneurysms in X-ray rotational angiography (3DRA) images. 109 anonymized 3DRA datasets were provided for training, and 22 additional datasets were used to test the algorithmic solutions. Cerebral aneurysm detection was assessed using the F2 score based on recall and precision, and the fit of the delivered bounding box was assessed using the distance to the aneurysm. The segmentation quality was measured using the Jaccard index and a combination of different surface distance measures. Systematic errors were analyzed using volume correlation and bias. Rupture risk assessment was evaluated using the F2 score. 158 participants from 22 countries registered for the CADA challenge. The U-Net-based …