G Fabiano, C Maronga, LA Hernández-Sánchez, MP Sáez López, R Pinedo-Villanueva
Progression of key performance indicators for hospitals joining the Spanish national hip fracture registry - ORA - Oxford University Research Archive Logos Header links Search History Bookmarks 0 New Search About Deposit Help Footer links Policies Disclaimer Privacy Policy Cookies Accessibility Statement Copyright API Contact Skip to main NEW SEARCH About Deposit HELP 0 Back to Search CONTACT Name Email Comment Send message Actions Authors Bibliographic Details Item Description Terms of Use Metrics Export BibTeX EndNote RefWorks CC0 version of this metadata Conference item icon Conference item : Abstract Progression of key performance indicators for hospitals joining the Spanish national hip fracture registry Publication status: Accepted Peer review status: Peer reviewed Actions Email Send the bibliographic details of this record to your email address. Your Email Please enter the email …