Yvonne Willemsen, Yangwenshan Ou, Clara Belzer, Alejandro Arias Vásquez, Hauke Smidt, Roseriet Beijers, Carolina de Weerth
Development and psychopathology
Cambridge University Press
Early life is a sensitive period when microbiota-gut-brain interactions may have important impact on development. This study investigated the associations of the gut microbiota in the first three years of life (two, six, and 12 weeks, and one and three years) with problem behavior and executive functions in N = 64 three-year-old children. Higher relative abundance of Streptococcus at the age of two weeks, as well as its trajectory over time (including ages two, six and 12 weeks, and one and three years), was related to worse executive functions. Higher relative abundance of [Ruminococcus] torques group at the age of three years, as well as its trajectory from one to three years, was associated with less internalizing behavior. Besides, several robust age-specific associations were identified: higher Bifidobacterium relative abundance (age three years) was associated with more internalizing and externalizing issues …