Krishnendu Khan
Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division essential for the production of four normal haploid gametes. In early prophase I of meiosis, the intimate synapsis between homologous chromosomes, and the formation of chiasmata, is facilitated by a proteinaceous structure known as the synaptonemal complex (SC). Ultrastructural analysis of germ cells of a number of organisms has disclosed that SC is a specialized tripartite structure composed of two lateral elements, one on each homolog, and a central element, which, in turn, are linked by transverse elements. Genetic studies have revealed that defects in meiotic chromosome alignment and/or segregation result in aneuploidy, which is the leading cause of spontaneous miscarriages in humans, hereditary birth defects such as Down syndrome, and are also, associated with the development and progression of certain forms of cancer. The mechanism(s) underlying the alignment/pairing of chromosomes at meiosis I differ among organisms. These can be divided into at least two broad pathways: one is independent of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) and other is mediated by DSBs. In the DSB-dependent pathway, SC plays crucial roles in promoting homolog pairing and disjunction. On the other hand, the DSB-independent pathway involves the participation of telomeres, centromeres and non-coding RNAs in the pre-synaptic alignment, pre-meiotic pairing as well as pairing of homologous chromosomes. Although a large body of literature highlights the central role of SC in meiotic recombination, the possible role of SC components in homolog recognition and alignment is poorly understood. Genetic …