Linda Buchan
The dominant concept of leadership among academics and practitioners foregrounds individual leaders and views leadership as a'thing'that can be discovered. However, there is growing scholarly consensus that we need to challenge the assumptions that underpin traditional leadership theories and engage more effectively with the lived experience of leadership. This thesis responds to the call to consider leadership from different perspectives by applying the lens of process philosophy to leadership-as-practice (LAP), an emergent stream of research that has the potential to deepen our understanding of the dynamic nature of leadership as it is accomplished in everyday activities. To extend the existing understanding of LAP grounded in a process ontology, this thesis brings together two complementary Pragmatist informed theoretical perspectives: the performative theory of organizational communication developed by communicative constitution of organization (CCO) scholars; and John Dewey's theory of Inquiry. The concept of leadership-as-communicative-practice (LACP) proposes that leadership emerges in response to ambiguity and uncertainty and is a social and material process that transforms situations. This transformative change is accomplished through the complex entanglement of conversation and written texts. To explore LACP empirically, a nine-month immersive study was undertaken in a Scottish Health and Social Care Partnership. Through attending designated'leadership'meetings, two issues emerged that were causing tension within the organization and necessitating leadership. These two situations were then shadowed as …