Heini M Natri, Oluwatobi Abubakare, Kassiane Asasumasu, Abha Basargekar, Flavien Beaud, Monique Botha, Kristen Bottema‐Beutel, Maria Rosa Brea, Lydia XZ Brown, Daisy A Burr, Laurence Cobbaert, Chris Dabbs, Donnie Denome, Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Mary Doherty, Beth Edwards, Chris Edwards, Síle Ekaterin Liszk, Freya Elise, Sue Fletcher‐Watson, Rebecca L Flower, Stephanie Fuller, Dena Gassner, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Judith Good, Aimee Grant, Vicki L Haddix, Síofra Heraty, Andrew Hundt, Steven K Kapp, Nathan Keates, Trayle Kulshan, Andrew J Lampi, Oswin Latimer, Kathy Leadbitter, Jennifer Litton Tidd, Marie Manalili, Menelly Martin, Anna Millichamp, Hannah Morton, Vishnu Nair, Georgia Pavlopoulou, Amy Pearson, Liz Pellicano, Hattie Porter, Rebecca Poulsen, Zoe S Robertson, Kayla Rodriguez, Anne Roux, Mary Russell, Jackie Ryan, Noah Sasson, Holly Smith Grier, Mark Somerville, Cole Sorensen, Kayden M Stockwell, Tauna Szymanski, Sandy Thompson‐Hodgetts, Martine Van Driel, Victoria VanUitert, Krysia Waldock, Nick Walker, Courtney Watts, Zachary Williams, Richard Woods, Betty Yu, Meghan Zadow, Jordyn Zimmerman, Alyssa Hillary Zisk
Autism Research
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Singer et al.(2023) argue that the current lexical shift within autism research towards more neutral terminology hinders accurate scientific description of the wide range of autistic experiences, particularly within clinical and medical contexts. We disagree with these claims. Semantic guidelines for referring to disability, gender, race, and ethnicity are established components of research dissemination (eg, Clauss-Ehlers et al., 2019), and are more, not less, scientifically precise. Recommendations informed by self-advocates are widely recognized as vital tools for mitigating societal biases—reflected and reinforced by language choices—that harm marginalized communities, including disabled individuals (Scully, 2008). Examples include the American Psychological Association’s bias-free and inclusive language guidelines (APA, 2021) and the National Institute of Mental Health’s​​ Stigma and Discrimination Research …