Vivian Liu
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces
Blepharospasm is a focal dystonia and movement disorder where abnormal, antagonistic muscle activity leads to impaired blinking. Because blepharospasm affects one’s ability to keep their eyes open, it disables individuals during everyday activities such as socialization and driving. As a rare condition, medical professionals have limited understanding of the disability, leading to little consensus over its diagnosis and treatment.
Part of the problem is that there is no way to quantify the outpatient experience of blepharospasm. Aside from patient anecdotes, doctors often have no data on how their patients fare outside of the hospital setting. To remedy this, computer vision augmented glasses were prototyped in the Invention Lab at UC Berkeley. The components of the work-in-progress smart glasses are as follows: 1) a Raspberry Pi Zero W (rPi) and no-infrared camera are mounted onto a pair of glasses through 3D-printed snap-fit housing. 2) a secondary body supporting a tiny mirror captures the reflection of the eye for the camera, which sends a video stream of blink activity to the rPi for post-processing.