Andrew Vowles, Paul Kemp, James R Kerr
University of Southampton
Dataset supporting the publication "Accuracy of coarse-resolution protocols for assessing fish passability at river infrastructure", Ecological Informatics (2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2024.102575 The data is presented in excel file. Tab 1 "Existing_data_and_prot_scores" contains data on the 13 river barriers in England where existing telemetry data was available on fish passage efficiency. The barrier name / source ID are retained from the source literature for ease of cross-referencing. Fish length, barrier height, fish passage efficiency (telemetry score) and the two barrier passability scores (ICE and SNIFFER) are included. Note that some of the protocol passability scores deviate from the categories defined by the protocols. This is because the size range of fish for which passage efficiency data were available did not always match that for which the protocol passability scores was generated. In these instances, the mean score of the protocol groups for which telemetry data were available was used in the analysis and presented here. Tab 2 "Prot_scores_for_species" contains the coarse-resolution rapid barrier assessment protocol scores (for both ICE and SNIFFER) for each barrier for Adult trout, Adult grayling, Adult lamprey and Juvenile salmonids. This project was funded by the Horizon 2020 AMBER (Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers) project (no. 689682).