Carlos Ivan Falcon-Rodriguez, Larisa Idania García-Alonso, Patricia Segura-Medina
Acta toxicol. argent
The inhalation of toxic environmental particles is a worldwide public health issue. To avoid the pulmonary damage, the lungs contain the alveolar macrophages, which are the primary defense of the innate immune system, since it engulfs the toxic or allergic particles. Morphologically, particulate matter inside of macrophage is observed as numerous round dark granules of various size. In guinea pig, the inhalation of fine particles in real time showed single round dark granules inside of the macrophages. After particles exposure, the alveolar macrophage can activate some cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and GM-CSF, which increases the inflammatory response or to activate the Th2 response. The alveolar macrophage interacts with bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium, heart, and blood vessels producing a variety of problems, such as nonfatal heart attacks, irregular heartbeat, decreased lung function, and increases respiratory symptoms such as irritation of the airways, coughing or difficulty breathing, aggravated asthma, and produce premature death in people with heart or lung disease.
La inhalación de partículas tóxicas ambientales es un problema de salud pública en todo el mundo. Para prevenir el daño, los pulmones contienen a los macrófagos alveolares, los cuales son la defensa primaria del sistema inmune, ya que fagocitan los tóxicos o partículas alérgicas. Morfológicamente, el material particulado dentro de los macrófagos alveolares se observa como numerosos gránulos redondos de varios tamaños. En cobayos, la inhalación de partículas finas en tiempo real mostró gránulos redondos oscuros dentro de los …
CI Falcon-Rodriguez, LI García-Alonso… - Acta toxicol. argent, 2017
CI Falcon-Rodriguez, LI García-Alonso… - Acta toxicológica argentina, 2017