Lisa Quadt
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
1 Introduction he topic I will pursue in the current paper concerns the implications that predictive processing (PP; Hohwy 2013) has for research on social cognition. More speciically, I will discuss the possibilities that action-oriented PP (Clark 2013) holds for beginning to build a comprehensive theoretical framework for social cognition. he paper is divided into two parts. In the irst part I argue that a fresh view on the phenomenon is needed because the research ield of social cognition currently inds itself confronted with two conflicting theories, viz., cognitivism and phenomenology/enactivism (henceforth phenactivism 1). In their radical 2 formulations, the former claims that so-called mindreading skills—ie, simulation (Gallese and Goldman 1998) and theoretical inference (Gopnik and Wellman 1992)—exhaust our social cognitive skills. he latter, on the other hand, emphasizes that social cognition entails embodied interaction and even claims that interaction patterns may constitute social cognitive processes (De Jaegher and Di Paolo 2007). his situation is problematic because both theoretical camps have their problems, which leave them unit for serving as the basis for a comprehensive theory of social cognition. Phenactivism, it will be claimed, has neither a sound conceptual nor empirical basis, and therefore is unable to provide the means for a theoretical framework in which social cognition can be embedded. Cognitivism, on the other hand, neglects the issues of interaction and embodiment almost entirely and thus draws an incomplete picture of the manifold phenomenon of social cognition. At the same time, however, both theories make …