Ulrich Hoppe, Johannes Zenk, Heinrich Iro
Cortical auditory evoked potentials (CAEPs) in Cochlear Implant (CI) listeners reflect the activity of auditory cortex and are able to objectify the results of cochlear implantation. They can be evoked by the stimulation of particular implant electrodes by using experimentally developed software and observed both in response to the beginning of the stimulation (P1N1P2 complex) and to change during the stimulation (Acoustic Change Complex, ACC). The aim of our study was to measure CAEPs in CI listeners during the first hearing rehabilitation (FHR) and after 6 months of CI usage and to compare CAEPs with individual speech performances.
CAEPs were measured in 10 CI listeners (age 59±19 years, 3 females, 7 males) during the first 5 days after speech processor switch on and after 6 months of CI experience. The speech performance was measured by a monosyllabic words test. The CAEPs were obtained using …