Musa Nushi, Homa Jenabzadeh
TESL Reporter
Technological innovations are changing the second language teaching and learning landscape (Stanley, 2013; Walker & White, 2013; Wang & Winstead, 2016). It would not be far from the truth to say that nowadays every type of language teaching has had its own technologies to support it. Moreover, thanks to technology, language learners have a variety of creative resources and authentic materials at their disposal that can assist them with the process of acquiring a new language. Among the technological innovations, mobile and hand-held devices such as smartphones, tablet computers, laptops, MP3 and MP4 players, iPads, etc. are of particular interest to second learners because they offer learners the possibility to study anytime, anywhere and at their own pace (Geddes, 2004; Wang, & Heffernan, 2009). In fact, mobile assisted language learning (MALL), a subset of M (mobile)-learning, is a rapidly flourishing field of research with important implications for second language learning (Ballance, 2012; Chinnery, 2006; Kukulska-Hulme & Shield, 2008). There are many studies showing the positive effects of using mobile technology on second language (L2) learning outcome as well as L2 learners' perception and attitudes (see Burston, 2013 for a review). One remarkable implication is that MALL has blurred the traditional boundary between the classroom and the outside world, allowing language teachers and learners to exploit opportunities for language practice outside of the classroom. There are now many mobile language learning applications (eg, Busuu, Babbel, Duolingo, FluentU, Memrise…) that offer learners the opportunity to …