David R Strong, John P Pierce, Martha White, Matthew D Stone, David B Abrams, Allison M Glasser, Olivia A Wackowski, K Michael Cummings, Andrew Hyland, Kristie Taylor, Kathryn C Edwards, Marushka L Silveira, Heather L Kimmel, Elizabeth Y Lambert, Wilson M Compton, Lynn C Hull, Raymond Niaura
Nicotine & Tobacco Research: Official Journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Data were analyzed from the first three waves from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, a nationally representative, longitudinal study of adults and youth in the United States (US). Data included 9556 Wave 1 (2013/2014) adult current established tobacco users who completed all three interviews and had established use at≥ 2 assessments. Groups included: users of cigarettes only, e-cigarettes only, cigars only, hookah only, any smokeless only, cigarette+ e-cigarette dual users, and multiple product users. A validated 16-item scale assessed TD across product users.
Wave 1 e-cigarette only users' who maintained exclusive e-cigarette use increased levels of TD through Wave 3 as did those who added or switched to another product. Wave 1 multiple product users' TD decreased across waves. TD for all other Wave 1 user groups remained about the same. For Wave 1 cigarette only smokers, switching to another product or moving to a pattern of no established use was associated with lower levels of TD than smokers whose use stayed the same. Movement to no established use of any tobacco product was consistently associated with lower TD for all other product users.
Except for Wave 1 e-cigarette only users, TD among US tobacco product users was stable over time, with daily users less likely to vary from baseline.
The level of TD among most US tobacco users was stable over the first three waves of the PATH Study and trends in levels of TD were predominantly unrelated to changes in patterns of continued product use. Stable levels of TD suggest a population at persistent …