Andrea Castrichini, Thomas Wilson, Jonathan Cooper
6th RAeS Aircraft Structural Design Conference
Symbols V= True air speed bj= Gust spanwise shape function wj= Gust vector bl= Aerodynamic lag-pole wg= Gust velocity D= Damping matrix wg0= Peak of the gust velocity H= Gust gradient wref= Reference gust velocity FAero= Aerodynamic forces vector x0= Gust origin position k= Reduced frequency xj= jth panel’s control node position K= Stiffness matrix γj= jth panel’s dihedral angle Kθ= Torsional spring stiffness δtj= Kronecker Delta Lg= Gust length δx= Aerodynamic control surfaces vector M= Mass matrix, Mach θ= Wing-tip folding angle MHinge= Hinge moment ξh= Modal coordinate qdyn= Dynamic pressure Φ= Modal base Q ()= Generalized aerodynamic force matrices Superscript Qe= External forces ̇= Differentiation with respect to time Qi ()= Coefficient matrices of RFA= Fourier transform Rl= Aerodynamic states vector= Generalized variable u= Nodal displacement
A Castrichini, T Wilson, J Cooper - 6th RAeS Aircraft Structural Design Conference, 2018