2015 European Society of Coloproctology Collaborating Group, N Battersby, A Bhangu, S Chaudhri, Alaa El‐Hussuna, Matteo Frasson, D Nepogodiev, B Singh, S Vennix, O Zmora, D Altomare, W Bemelman, P Christensen, A D'Hoore, S Laurberg, D Morton, Michele Rubbini, C Vaizey, L Magill, R Perry, N Sheward, N Ives, S Mehta, M Cillo, D Estefania, J Patron Uriburu, H Ruiz, M Salomon, A Makhmudov, L Selnyahina, A Varabei, Y Vizhynis, D Claeys, B Defoort, F Muysoms, P Pletinckx, V Vergucht, I Debergh, T Feryn, H Reusens, M Nachtergaele, D Francart, C Jehaes, S Markiewicz, B Monami, J Weerts, W Bouckaert, B Houben, J Knol, G Sergeant, G Vangertruyden, L Haeck, C Lange, C Sommeling, K Vindevoghel, S Castro, H De Bruyn, H De Bruyn, H De Bruyn, M Huyghe, E De Wolf, D Reynders, A D'Hoore, Buck van Overstraeten, A Wolthuis, S Delibegovic, A Christiani, M Marchiori Jr, C Rocha de Moraes, V Tercioti Jr, E Arabadjieva, D Bulanov, D Dardanov, V Stoyanov, A Yonkov, K Angelov, S Maslyankov, M Sokolov, G Todorov, S Toshev, Y Georgiev, A Karashmalakov, G Zafirov, X Wang, D Condic, D Kraljik, H Mrkovic, V Pavkovic, K Raguž, V Bencurik, E Holášková, M Skrovina, M Farkašová, T Grolich, Z Kala, F Antos, V Pruchova, O Sotona, M Chobola, T Dusek, A Ferko, J Örhalmi, J Hoch, P Kocian, L Martinek, I Bernstein, K Gotschalck Sunesen, J Leunbach, O Thorlacius‐Ussing, A Uth Oveson, P Christensen, S Dahl Chirstensen, V Gamez, M Oeting, U Schou Loeve, A Ugianskis, M Jessen, P Krarup, K Linde, Q Mirza, J Overgaard Stovring, L Erritzøe, H Loft Jakobsen, J Lykke, E Palmgren Colov, A Husted Madsen, T Linde Friis, J Amstrup Funder, R Dich, S Kjær, S Rasmussen, N Schlesinger, M Dilling Kjaer, N Qvist, A Khalid, G Ali, A El‐Hussuna, S Hadi, L Rosell Walker, A Kivelä, T Lehtonen, A Lepistö, T Scheinin, P Siironen, J Kössi, P Kuusanmäki, T Tomminen, A Turunen, T Rautio, M Vierimaa
Colorectal Disease
The anastomosis technique used following right‐sided colonic resection is widely variable and may affect patient outcome. This study aimed to assess the association between leak and anastomosis technique (stapled vs handsewn).
This was a prospective, multicentre, international audit including patients undergoing elective or emergency right hemicolectomy or ileo‐caecal resection operations over a 2‐month period in early 2015. The primary outcome measure was the presence of anastomotic leak within 30 days of surgery, determined using a prespecified definition. Mixed effects logistic regression models were used to assess the association between leak and anastomosis method, adjusting for patient, disease and operative cofactors, with centre included as a random‐effect variable.
This study included 3208 patients, of whom 78.4% (n = 2515) underwent surgery for malignancy and …