Matthieu Vinchon, Sabine Defoort-Dhellemmes, Claudine Nzeyimana, Louis Vallée, Patrick Dhellemmes, Cormac O Maher, Aaron A Cohen-Gadol, Corey Raffel, E Beuls, L Vanormelingen, J van Aalst, M Vandersteen, P Adriaensen, E Cornips, H Vles, Y Temel, J Gelan, Erica Bisson, Sami Khoshyomn, Steven Braff, Todd Maugans, Joseph H Piatt Jr, Mizuho Kano, R Shane Tubbs, David R Kelly, John C Wellons III, Jeffrey P Blount, W Jerry Oakes, Keith Georgeson, A Peraud, G Ryan, JM Drake, William J Dawes, James M Drake, Darcy Fehlings, Hiroshi Mori, Ryuichi Tanaka, Ian F Pollack, Sydney D Finkelstein, Judith Burnham, Ronald L Hamilton, Allan J Yates, Emiko J Holmes, James M Boyett, Jonathan L Finlay, Kenichi Nishiyama
Pediatric Neurosurgery
Karger Publishers
American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Bestows Distinguished Service Award on Dr. med. hc mult. Thomas Page 1 Pediatr Neurosurg 2003;39:113 American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery Bestows Distinguished Service Award on Dr. med. hc mult. Thomas Karger and Prof. Dr. Phil Gildenberg ABC Fax + 41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail [email protected] www.karger.com © 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel Accessible online at: www.karger.com/pne Dr. med. hc mult. Thomas Karger Prof. Dr. Phil Gildenberg In recognition of their outstanding and ongoing contributions to the field of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, Dr. Thomas Karger and Prof. Phil Gildenberg together received the Distinguished Service Award of the American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) at its Quadrennial Meeting in New York, on May 19th, 2003. In times when stereotaxy was …