Narendra Kumar Rana, Rajesh Kumar, Dhananjay Kumar
The foothills-fed rivers on the alluvial settings display a great variety of diversity in terms of their morphology and fluvial characteristics. The river Rapti is an important foothills-fed river on the Ganga plains. It is a tributary of the river Ghagara that flows in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, having dominant share of catchments area on siwalik of Nepal and bhabar and tarai areas of Eastern UP plains. The river is well known for its frequent localised channel movements. Various studies have documented the shifting and observed frequent avulsion accompanied with over bank flooding. In the present study several lines of evidence including geo-spatial data and sub-surface structural data have helped in understanding the controls on the channel morphology and patterns of channel movements. The temporal monitoring of the variation in the channel stretch indicated an oscillatory tendency in the meandering pattern. The study further reveals that the river is more dynamic in its entire-course and shifted towards east in response to neotectonic activity.