Caitlin Elise Brown
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Purpose: This study increased our understanding of how aphasia may affect interpretation of road signs.
Background: Despite aphasia’s theoretical effects on road sign comprehension and promising initial findings in studies that investigated driving and aphasia, the literature examining aphasia and road signs has been sparse. Research has shown that aphasia may have some effect on road sign interpretation. However, more study is needed regarding both accuracy and response time to road sign interpretation, which are equally important for safe driving.
Methods: This was a prospective, between group study that used data collected from a larger study by Donovan, Savage, Varnado, &Brown (2014). This study aimed to determine if presence of aphasia had an effect on the accuracy and response time of road sign interpretation in a sample of 10 adults with aphasia versus 10 adults in neurologically normal control …