Jasminka Djelilovic-Vranic, Azra Alajbegovic, Merita Tiric-Campara, Aida Volic, Zehra Sarajlic, Eldina Osmanagic, Ljubica Todorovic, Omer Beslagic
Medical Archives
Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Meniere’s syndrome is a condition characterized by the appearance of sudden attacks of vertigo, with more or less marked loss of hearing and sense of noises in the ears, usually unilateral, with the unpleasant feeling of fullness of sound on the side that is affected. Previously known as idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops it is noticed that the condition is related to the increased quantity of endolymph. During attacks of vertigo that can last for several days and acts exhausting, patients are quite incompetent to carry out normal daily and other social activities. Nausea and drowsiness are common companions of this condition, while the sense of imbalance between free and non-functionalpainful sensations often creates a depressed mood because the quality of life is often severely altered, lasting for shorter or longer periods depending on the treatment outcome (1). The disease is usually unilateral, only one third occurs bilaterally. If both ears are affected the disease usually occurs in the second ear during long and less successful treatment in one ear. Meniere’s disease usually begins between the age of 25 and 50 years, while men and women are equally affected. Incidence varies from 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the USA to about 46 per 100,000 inhabitants in Scandinavia making Meniere’s disease four times more frequent than otosclerosis and if left untreated can lead to surgical intervention in 25% of cases (2). Although the cause of the Meniere’s disease remains unclear it is considered that it is the result of a disturbed balance between production and endolymph resorption, which leads to rupture of the membranes and mixing of …
J Djelilovic-Vranic, A Alajbegovic, M Tiric-Campara… - Medical Archives, 2012