Sonali Nirankari, Abhinandan Patil, Ajay Nalawade, Vikrant Sapkal
Nutrients that are generally present at relatively low concentrations in living tissues and which are needed for optimum performance of a particular function in the living system are designated as ‘Micronutrients’1-3. They include vitamins and minerals. Micronutrients, although do not provide energy themselves unlike macronutrients (carbohydrate, fat and protein), but help in the liberation and utilization of energy from the macronutrients. In addition, they have other specific vital functions in the body. Vitamins are essential for the utilization of the macronutrients and also in the regulation of the body processes–metabolism and circulation, digestion and absorption of nutrients and reproduction. Macrominerals such as calcium and phosphorous are structural components of bones and skeleton; sodium and potassium are elements present in cellular fluids; magnesium is an active constituent of many enzyme systems