Ethan Chuan Yuh Wong, Chee Soon Tan
Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore
This proposal seeks to investigate the beliefs and perceptions held by student teachers regarding student-centred learning (SCL). Specifically, we will seek the views of 15 student teachers enrolled in the PDGE (Primary) programme in 2016. They would have received an education that placed an emphasised on SCL as they were in secondary schools or junior colleges when the Teach Less Learn More initiative was introduced in 2005. These student teachers will in future be teachers who will hopefully make use of student-centred pedagogy and instruction in their classrooms. It is therefore important and useful to find out more about their beliefs and perceptions about student centred approaches. In addition, we are also interested to find out the impact of the Teaching Practicum experience on these beliefs and perceptions. Hence, we will gather information on student teacher perception and beliefs prior to and after their Teaching Practicum stint. In Phase 1 of the 2-phase research, participants will be identified and their consent to participate in the study will be obtained prior to the Teaching Practicum. The interview questions pertaining to their beliefs about SCL will be sent to be completed by participants and returned to the researchers. Individual participants will then meet a researcher for a more in-depth interview. Phase 2 will take place after the Teaching Practicum. As in Phase 1, participants will provide written responses to the interview questions based on their observations of SCL practices in the classrooms. Researchers will subsequently meet individual participants to further probe their responses. To analyse the data, an inductive …