Ulrike Martin, Károly Németh
Geological Institute of Hungary
On the occasion of the Second International Maar Conference held in Hungary in September 2004, the Geologica Hungarica, series Geologica presents this monograph on the Mio/Pliocene (8-2 My) small volume intraplate alkaline volcanism in the western Pannonian Basin. The volcanic activity occurred in the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF) just north of Lake Balaton, in the smaller Little Hungarian Plain Volcanic Field (LHPVF) just to the north, and in the Styrian Basin Volcanic Field barely reaching into westernmost Hungary. The western Pannonian Basin is underlain by Neogene siliciclastic sediments which overlie Mesozoic karstic limestones which in turn overlie crystalline basement rocks. As volcanism was active during and after deposition of the Neogene siliciclastic sediments, volcanicity was largely synsedimentary and consequently effected, more or less, by the unconsolidated water saturated sediments. The volcanic fields of the western Pannonian Basin will be visited during two identical volcanological field trips run prior and after the conference.
In this monograph the present state of physical volcanological research (over the last 10 years) on the volcanism of the western Pannonian Basin is presented. The authors of the several papers present the relevant details and interpretations of the regional geology, of the volcanic fields and also of the many individual volcanoes and their various phreatomagmatic and magmatic eruption styles. In addition, the authors compare the western Pannonian volcanic fields with other volcanic fields in the world many of which they know from personal aquaintance and studies. The list …