Rebekah L Petroff, Raymond G Cavalcante, Justin A Colacino, Jaclyn M Goodrich, Tamara R Jones, Claudia Lalancette, Rachel K Morgan, Kari Neier, Bambarendage PU Perera, Christine A Rygiel, Laurie K Svoboda, Kai Wang, Maureen A Sartor, Dana C Dolinoy
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
Frontiers Media SA
Introduction: The developing epigenome changes rapidly, potentially making it more sensitive to toxicant exposures. DNA modifications, including methylation and hydroxymethylation, are important parts of the epigenome that may be affected by environmental exposures. However, most studies do not differentiate between these two DNA modifications, possibly masking significant effects.
Methods: To investigate the relationship between DNA hydroxymethylation and developmental exposure to common contaminants, a collaborative, NIEHS-sponsored consortium, TaRGET II, initiated longitudinal mouse studies of developmental exposure to human-relevant levels of the phthalate plasticizer di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), and the metal lead (Pb). Exposures to 25 mg DEHP/kg of food (approximately 5 mg DEHP/kg body weight) or 32 ppm Pb-acetate in drinking water were administered to nulliparous adult female mice. Exposure began 2 weeks before breeding and continued throughout pregnancy and lactation, until offspring were 21 days old. At 5 months, perinatally exposed offspring blood and cortex tissue were collected, for a total of 25 male mice and 17 female mice (n = 5–7 per tissue and exposure). DNA was extracted and hydroxymethylation was measured using hydroxymethylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (hMeDIP-seq). Differential peak and pathway analysis was conducted comparing across exposure groups, tissue types, and animal sex, using an FDR cutoff of 0.15.
Results: DEHP-exposed females had two genomic regions with lower hydroxymethylation in blood and no differences in cortex hydroxymethylation. For …