Idir Ramdani, Karen A Pescatore, Belaid Bouazza
Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive chronic inflammatory disease and the third cause of death worldwide in 2016. COPD epidemiology is well documented in high-income countries where the disease is well managed. However, the disease is neglected in low-income countries and there is lack of data. Our study aims to identify COPD patients’ characteristics and hospital admission causes, and to determine disease etiologies and associated factors. A retrospective study was conducted in COPD Algerian patients using medical record data collected from January 2007 to May 2017 at the pulmonology department of the Belloua Hospital of Tizi-Ouzou city. Out of 133 hospital admissions for COPD during the study period, only 120 records were found and analyzed. Most of the admitted patients were men (96%) and the mean age was 74.29 ±9.56 years. Among them, 78.7% were in the GOLD stage III or IV and 9 deaths (7.5%) were recorded during the study period. Interestingly, disease severity is associated with increasing age of the patients and mortality (p= 0.01 and p= 0.02, respectively). Risk factors include cigarette smoking (93%), history of medical conditions (36.66%) with the most prevalent conditions being emphysema (38.63%) and asthma (27.27%), the cold season (47%), and occupational exposures (58%). Most of the admissions (64.16%) were due to acute dyspnea and 21.66% to respiratory infections, however, 34.16% of patients were readmitted at least one time. Comorbidities were observed in 57.5% of the patients, including cardiovascular diseases (63.76%) and diabetes (18.84%). These results …