Action Team, Abby Gold, Allison Anfinson, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Caitlin Caspi, Nishesh Chalise, Michael Dahl, Minnesota Food Charter, Mary Marczak, Ellen Nikodym, Greater Twin Cities United, Amy Shanfelt, Jared Walhowe
The Minnesota Food Charter is a roadmap to improve access to healthy, affordable, and safe food. It proposes 99 specific strategies to guide statewide planning and action to change the food system. A report card to monitor the Minnesota food system is one component of this initiative, but there is a paucity of literature to guide its development. To bridge this gap, a shared measurement action team (SMAT) was created to recommend indicators that could be used to monitor the state of the Minnesota food system, as well as to advance place-based food systems that support unique communities statewide. SMAT established a cross-sector team, created team priorities, developed a theory of change, identified criteria to judge potential indicators, and proposed indicators to be monitored statewide. In this poster, researchers and practitioners can learn about the process of selecting indicators that support the creation of a sustainable, economic, ecological, and equitable food system, and the challenges that arose during these discussions. One challenge
* Liana RN Schreiber, MPH, RDN, is a research scientist at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) who focuses on food access. She is passionate about using evaluation as a change agent and engaging stakeholders to develop evaluation plan with actionoriented results. At MDH, Liana has collaboratively developed evaluation materials and a database to capture statewide changes in policy and systems, and environmental changes related to improving food access and active living and decreasing tobacco use. She also co-leads a cross-sector team developing indicators to monitor changes in …
A Team, A Gold, A Anfinson, B Cross, B Shield… - 2019