Chloe Dempsey, Chris Bryant
This study examined the potential future for cultured meat in China, with a focus on the Chinese consumer. The study combined interviews with 17 stakeholders in this future (including incumbent industry, investors, start-ups and third sector representatives), with a survey of Chinese respondents (n= 1,020), which examined how different descriptions of cultured meat affected levels of acceptance, as well as preferred product format and key objections. The results of the survey indicate that 70% of Chinese consumers are willing to try cultured meat, and 58% are already willing to buy it. We also find that Chinese consumers react more positively to descriptive framing of cultured meat that focus on food safety and health benefits, and in many instances are significantly less accepting of cultured meat when it is described as purely an imported product, or a scientific technology. These findings, and those of the study more broadly, are important because they indicate that advocates for cultured meat should make an effort to tailor their messaging to Chinese consumers. Considering that Chinese media is increasingly covering the subject of cultured meat, stakeholders should be proactive in shaping transparent narratives that focus on the intrinsic value of cultured meat to consumers. The survey also identifies processed meat products as the most commonly preferred product Chinese consumers would purchase cultured meat as, suggesting that greater understanding of the Chinese processed meat market may be useful to the cultured meat industry. This should be supplemented by an understanding of the use of meat in Chinese cooking and how …