Peilin Zhou, You-Liang Huang, Yueqi Xie, Jingqi Gao, Shoujin Wang, Jae Boum Kim, Sunghun Kim
The Web Conference (WWW)
Sequential recommender systems (SRS) are designed to predict users' future behaviors based on their historical interaction data. Recent research has increasingly utilized contrastive learning (CL) to leverage unsupervised signals to alleviate the data sparsity issue in SRS. In general, CL-based SRS first augments the raw sequential interaction data by using data augmentation strategies and employs a contrastive training scheme to enforce the representations of those sequences from the same raw interaction data to be similar. Despite the growing popularity of CL, data augmentation, as a basic component of CL, has not received sufficient attention. This raises the question: Is it possible to achieve superior recommendation results solely through data augmentation? To answer this question, we benchmark eight widely used data augmentation strategies, as well as state-of-the-art CL-based SRS methods, on four …
P Zhou, YL Huang, Y Xie, J Gao, S Wang, JB Kim… - Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024, 2024