Mohammad Fazli Baharuddin, Mohamad Noorman Masrek, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan
International E-Journal of Advances in Education
Education 4.0 will be shaped by innovations and will indeed have to train students to produce innovations. However, in developing a world-class education system which produced a creative and excellent human capital, the weak productivity growth demonstrates the current reality that most of the countries still lack of creativity and innovative as reflected in the stagnant contribution by total factor productivity and education to output growth. Innovative work behaviour can be defined as intentional creation, introduction, and application of new ideas within a work role, in order to benefit the individual or organizational performance. Thus, teachers who have innovative work behaviour are teachers who are able to work creatively, contribute the idea and able to provide positive outcomes for the school where they work. From previous research studies, determinants or antecedents of innovative work behaviour are varying. Those predictors are job commitment, facilities, job autonomy, job insecurity, rewards, and job designs. However, most of the previous literature has believed about job commitment and job autonomy were strong affecting innovative work behaviour. Therefore, this paper aimed to develop a conceptual framework on determinants of innovative work behaviour among school teachers to fill a knowledge gap related to innovative work behaviour in educational institution whose responsible in designed to provide valuable and useful knowledge to students. This paper was explored through critical related literature analysis. The paper concludes that job autonomy and job commitment have a positive impact in creating the essential conditions …
MF Baharuddin, MN Masrek, SM Shuhidan - International E-Journal of Advances in Education, 2019