Mehil B Shah, Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Foutse Khomh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03069
Deep learning has achieved remarkable progress in various domains. However, like traditional software systems, deep learning systems contain bugs, which can have severe impacts, as evidenced by crashes involving autonomous vehicles. Despite substantial advancements in deep learning techniques, little research has focused on reproducing deep learning bugs, which hinders resolving them. Existing literature suggests that only 3% of deep learning bugs are reproducible, underscoring the need for further research.
This paper examines the reproducibility of deep learning bugs. We identify edit actions and useful information that could improve deep learning bug reproducibility.
First, we construct a dataset of 668 deep learning bugs from Stack Overflow and Defects4ML across 3 frameworks and 22 architectures. Second, we select 102 bugs using stratified sampling and try to determine their reproducibility. While reproducing these bugs, we identify edit actions and useful information necessary for their reproduction. Third, we used the Apriori algorithm to identify useful information and edit actions required to reproduce specific bug types. Finally, we conduct a user study with 22 developers to assess the effectiveness of our findings in real-life settings.
We successfully reproduced 85 bugs and identified ten edit actions and five useful information categories that can help us reproduce deep learning bugs. Our findings improved bug reproducibility by 22.92% and reduced reproduction time by 24.35% based on our user study.
Our research addresses the critical issue of deep learning bug …