Juan Carlos Silva-Tamayo, Kimberly V Lau, Adam B Jost, Jonathan L Payne, Paul B Wignall, Robert J Newton, Anton Eisenhauer, Donald J Depaolo, Shaun Brown, Kate Maher, Daniel J Lehrmann, Demir Altiner, Meiyi Yu, Sylvain Richoz, Adina Paytan
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Geological Society of America
A negative shift in the calcium isotopic composition of marine carbonate rocks spanning the end-Permian extinction horizon in South China has been used to argue for an ocean acidification event coincident with mass extinction. This interpretation has proven controversial, both because the excursion has not been demonstrated across multiple, widely separated localities, and because modeling results of coupled carbon and calcium isotope records illustrate that calcium cycle imbalances alone cannot account for the full magnitude of the isotope excursion. Here, we further test potential controls on the Permian-Triassic calcium isotope record by measuring calcium isotope ratios from shallow-marine carbonate successions spanning the Permian-Triassic boundary in Turkey, Italy, and Oman. All measured sections display negative shifts in δ44/40Ca of up to 0.6‰. Consistency in the direction, magnitude, and …