Cassandra MJ Wannan, Barnaby Nelson, Jean Addington, Kelly Allott, Alan Anticevic, Celso Arango, Justin T Baker, Carrie E Bearden, Tashrif Billah, Sylvain Bouix, Matthew R Broome, Kate Buccilli, Kristin S Cadenhead, Monica E Calkins, Tyrone D Cannon, Guillermo Cecci, Eric Yu Hai Chen, Kang Ik K Cho, Jimmy Choi, Scott R Clark, Michael J Coleman, Philippe Conus, Cheryl M Corcoran, Barbara A Cornblatt, Covadonga M Diaz-Caneja, Dominic Dwyer, Bjørn H Ebdrup, Lauren M Ellman, Paolo Fusar-Poli, Liliana Galindo, Pablo A Gaspar, Carla Gerber, Louise Birkedal Glenthøj, Robert Glynn, Michael P Harms, Leslie E Horton, René S Kahn, Joseph Kambeitz, Lana Kambeitz-Ilankovic, John M Kane, Tina Kapur, Matcheri S Keshavan, Sung-Wan Kim, Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Marek Kubicki, Jun Soo Kwon, Kerstin Langbein, Kathryn E Lewandowski, Gregory A Light, Daniel Mamah, Patricia J Marcy, Daniel H Mathalon, Patrick D McGorry, Vijay A Mittal, Merete Nordentoft, Angela Nunez, Ofer Pasternak, Godfrey D Pearlson, Jesus Perez, Diana O Perkins, Albert R Powers III, David R Roalf, Fred W Sabb, Jason Schiffman, Jai L Shah, Stefan Smesny, Jessica Spark, William S Stone, Gregory P Strauss, Zailyn Tamayo, John Torous, Rachel Upthegrove, Mark Vangel, Swapna Verma, Jijun Wang, Inge Winter-van Rossum, Daniel H Wolf, Phillip Wolff, Stephen J Wood, Alison R Yung, Carla Agurto, Mario Alvarez-Jimenez, Paul Amminger, Marco Armando, Ameneh Asgari-Targhi, John Cahill, Ricardo E Carrión, Eduardo Castro, Suheyla Cetin-Karayumak, M Mallar Chakravarty, Youngsun T Cho, David Cotter, Simon D’Alfonso, Michaela Ennis, Shreyas Fadnavis, Clara Fonteneau, Caroline Gao, Tina Gupta, Raquel E Gur, Ruben C Gur, Holly K Hamilton, Gil D Hoftman, Grace R Jacobs, Johanna Jarcho, Jie Lisa Ji, Christian G Kohler, Paris Alexandros Lalousis, Suzie Lavoie, Martin Lepage, Einat Liebenthal, Josh Mervis, Vishnu Murty, Spero C Nicholas, Lipeng Ning, Nora Penzel, Russell Poldrack, Pablo Polosecki, Danielle N Pratt, Rachel Rabin, Habiballah Rahimi Eichi, Yogesh Rathi, Avraham Reichenberg, Jenna Reinen, Jack Rogers, Bernalyn Ruiz-Yu, Isabelle Scott, Johanna Seitz-Holland, Vinod H Srihari, Agrima Srivastava, Andrew Thompson, Bruce I Turetsky, Barbara C Walsh, Thomas Whitford, Johanna TW Wigman, Beier Yao, Hok Pan Yuen, Uzair Ahmed, Andrew Byun, Yoonho Chung, Kim Do, Larry Hendricks, Kevin Huynh, Clark Jeffries, Erlend Lane, Carsten Langholm, Eric Lin, Valentina Mantua, Gennarina Santorelli, Kosha Ruparel, Eirini Zoupou
Schizophrenia bulletin
Oxford University Press
This article describes the rationale, aims, and methodology of the Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ). This is the largest international collaboration to date that will develop algorithms to predict trajectories and outcomes of individuals at clinical high risk (CHR) for psychosis and to advance the development and use of novel pharmacological interventions for CHR individuals. We present a description of the participating research networks and the data processing analysis and coordination center, their processes for data harmonization across 43 sites from 13 participating countries (recruitment across North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and South America), data flow and quality assessment processes, data analyses, and the transfer of data to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Data Archive (NDA) for use by the research community. In an expected sample of …