Srimal Jayawardena, Gihan Dias
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Evaluation
This paper describes a study done on the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for enterprise applications of the public sector in Sri Lanka. The study investigates factors that affect the selection of software for public sector information systems with, an emphasis on how Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) is used and could be used in such projects. The objectives of the study are as follows. The study aims to identify factors that affect the adoption of Software in Sri Lankan government sector projects. In addition to this it identifies features that are considered as important in such large Information Systems, and how they relate to Open Source Software adoption in the context of the public sector in Sri Lanka. The findings are analyzed and suitable recommendations are presented for better selection of software in the public sector. The work is important as it identifies and highlights factors that affect the choice of software in the public sector. This is important for several categories of people. It is of importance to the strategic management and policy makers to know what drives the information system procurement decisions in order to make more relevant policies and guidelines that are congruent with the needs in government sector departments. It is useful when advocating new technologies and information systems. This is especially true when advocating the use of Free and Open Source software for the use in the public sector in a wholesome and sustainable manner. The research is also important to software vendors and solution providers to the public sector in identifying what factors need to be taken in to account when bidding for …
S Jayawardena, G Dias - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on …, 2011