William Borchert, Unnati Mheta, Jaime Hart, Rachel Nethery, Christine Albert, Francine Laden
APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo
Background: Previous studies on particulate matter (PM) air pollution have reported associations between short-term exposure and acute cardiac events, and the majority have focused on PM2. 5. The association of long-term exposure to PM10 on the risk of sudden cardiac death (SCD) is unknown.
Objective: We prospectively examined associations between long-term exposures to PM10 and incidence of SCD in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) cohort, a nationwide prospective cohort of female nurses in the US.
Methods: NHS participants (N= 117,358) were followed via biennial questionnaires. We used spatiotemportal prediction models to estimate monthly time-varying, residential exposure to PM10. To explore different time windows of exposure simultaneously, we calculated cumulative average PM10, the difference between the cumulative average and 12-month moving average, the difference between the 12-and 3-month moving averages, and the difference between the 3-and 1-month moving averages. Between 1988-2013, there were 320 cases of confirmed SCD. We fit time-varying Cox proportional hazards models including the PM10 measures for each of the four exposure windows simultaneously and adjusting for preexisting conditions, demographics, socioeconomic status, health history, season, and region to calculate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals. We present HRs from continuous models per 10 µg/m3 increase in each exposure, as there were no deviations from linearity detected.
Results: In our adjusted models, there was no statistically significant association between any of the PM10 exposures and risk of SCD. For …
W Borchert, U Mheta, J Hart, R Nethery, C Albert… - APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo, 2022