P Lesimple, JB Verley, B Laplace, B Olliac
Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence
We conducted a review of the international literature in order to argue the benefits and risks of practicing VG during this health crisis.
It turns out that it is difficult to reach a consensus. During the pandemic, practicing VG seems to be able to promote the psychological well-being of the adolescent. The so-called prosocial VGs are a way of maintaining the link with the other. Some VGs, for their part, are mobilized physically. Suffering from anxiety or depression beforehand can lead to a real addiction. The non-specific literature of the COVID-19 period reports the improvement in cognitions associated with a regular practice of VG. The practice of prosocial VGs could be beneficial on behavior. Virtual violence and real-life violence are not clearly associated. An increased risk of death by suicide among players has not been established. The risk of developing addiction and gaming disorder was associated with pre-existing anxiety or depression especially among adolescents with a high level of awareness of the consequences of the pandemic.
The literature argues for the benefit of practicing VGs today, and those known as prosocial must be privileged. However, we must remain attentive to the risk of addiction, in particular in young people with pre-existing or new onset depression and who are fully aware of the impact of the virus, which is eminently anxiety-provoking.
P Lesimple, JB Verley, B Laplace, B Olliac - Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 2021