Pranav S Pandit, Simon J Anthony, Tracey Goldstein, Kevin J Olival, Megan M Doyle, Nicole R Gardner, Brian Bird, Woutrina Smith, David Wolking, Kirsten Gilardi, Corina Monagin, Terra Kelly, Marcela M Uhart, Jonathan H Epstein, Catherine Machalaba, Melinda K Rostal, Patrick Dawson, Emily Hagan, Ava Sullivan, Hongying Li, Aleksei A Chmura, Alice Latinne, Christian Lange, Tammie O’Rourke, Sarah Olson, Lucy Keatts, A Patricia Mendoza, Alberto Perez, Cátia Dejuste de Paula, Dawn Zimmerman, Marc Valitutto, Matthew LeBreton, David McIver, Ariful Islam, Veasna Duong, Moctar Mouiche, Zhengli Shi, Prime Mulembakani, Charles Kumakamba, Mohamed Ali, Nigatu Kebede, Ubald Tamoufe, Samuel Bel-Nono, Alpha Camara, Joko Pamungkas, Kalpy J Coulibaly, Ehab Abu-Basha, Joseph Kamau, Soubanh Silithammavong, James Desmond, Tom Hughes, Enkhtuvshin Shiilegdamba, Ohnmar Aung, Dibesh Karmacharya, Julius Nziza, Daouda Ndiaye, Aiah Gbakima, Zikankuba Sajali, Supaporn Wacharapluesadee, Erika Alandia Robles, Benard Ssebide, Gerardo Suzán, Luis F Aguirre, Monica R Solorio, Tapan N Dhole, Nguyen TT Nga, Peta L Hitchens, Damien O Joly, Karen Saylors, Amanda Fine, Suzan Murray, William B Karesh, Peter Daszak, Jonna AK Mazet, PREDICT Consortium de Paula Cátia Dejuste 5, Christine K Johnson
Communications biology
Nature Publishing Group UK
Host-virus associations have co-evolved under ecological and evolutionary selection pressures that shape cross-species transmission and spillover to humans. Observed virus-host associations provide relevant context for newly discovered wildlife viruses to assess knowledge gaps in host-range and estimate pathways for potential human infection. Using models to predict virus-host networks, we predicted the likelihood of humans as hosts for 513 newly discovered viruses detected by large-scale wildlife surveillance at high-risk animal-human interfaces in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Predictions indicated that novel coronaviruses are likely to infect a greater number of host species than viruses from other families. Our models further characterize novel viruses through prioritization scores and directly inform surveillance targets to identify host ranges for newly discovered viruses.