Brianna Fogal, Connor McGrath, Carolina Ramos, Ashley Stanley, Daniel Sturman, WA Bland Addison, Torbjorn Bergstrom, Walter T Towner Jr
Tesis Doctoral. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Disponible en https://web. wpi. edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-032317-123222/unrestricted/Fidget_Widget_MQP. pdf
The objective of this project was to design and manufacture a cognitive focus device, develop a business plan for the product, and determine if fidgets can relieve individuals of the modern, evolving world’s anxieties. The rationale of this project was to produce a product for adults in the academic and professional world and to understand how fidgets are used in developing and industrialized countries. The methods used were surveys, fidget testing and manufacturing, interviews with professionals and individuals who fidget, market and financial analysis, and academic research of the professional literature on this subject. The results were the creation of the Fidget Egg, the product commercialization of the Fidget Egg, and a discussion about how some people center themselves through the use of sacred or secularized objects to relieve oneself of the world’s anxieties. The conclusion reached by the team is that the Fidget Egg is a viable product that can empower consumers to direct their focus, and there is no ideal fidget for everyone. Additionally, there may be a correlation with the use of fidgets and the pressures of industrialization.