Dyah Retno Fitri Utami, Lita Latiana
4th International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET 2018)
Atlantis Press
This study focuses on teachers perceptions of the professional competence in the digital age. As a competent teacher is always required to improve knowledge, attitudes and skills continuously and keep up with the times as an effort to improve professional competence. This study aims to: 1) explore the perception of preschool teachers about professional competence, and 2) identify the use of digital media in early childhood learning. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire and reflective essay analysis involving 59 preschool teachers in Indonesia. The data obtained during the study showed that the use of digital media in the learning process in early childhood is needs, but must be adapted with the needs of children and the conditions of resources owned by the institutions. The use of digital media is considered necessary and used for learning purposes only, such as the delivery of learning materials that can not be presented directly to children such as natural disasters, wild animals, and traditional dances. The condition of resources institutions is generally still lacking, such as the ability of educators who have not been optimal because of the availability of skill development sites that have not been supported and inadequate facilities. The recommendations from this study are aimed at teachers to improve their ability to use digital media for learning and for governments to provide access to develop teachers skills in using digital media in learning.