Sarojni Choy, Kaye Bowman, Stephen Billett, Louise Wignall, Sandra Haukka
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Australian Government
Evolving models of employment-based training (EBT) are responding to skill shortages and the need to develop technical skills at a level higher than a certificate III—the benchmark qualification level considered by many as the minimum for ensuring sustainable job outcomes (Stanwick 2004). This research explored a variety of current employment-based training models and proposed five enhancements for higher-level qualifications. These changes concentrate on maintaining a balance of learning experiences between educational institutions and the workplace. The project was based around case studies in process manufacturing and child care. Thirty-three individuals, representing employers, employees/apprentices, vocational education and training (VET) providers, industry bodies and training package developers were interviewed. The issues and views expressed by those interviewed from both industries were consistent with what was found in the literature review. Current models of employment-based training can usefully be grouped as:  two forms of 'fast-tracking' options in a formal apprenticeship model, especially at certificate III level, to address immediate skills shortages. These are accelerated progression models (shorter durations linked to a truly competency-based approach) and intensive up-front training, followed by work-based learning to ensure immediate productivity of the learner in the workplace  higher-level VET qualifications gained either through an apprenticeship or by undertaking a vocational course  the design of new skill sets/qualifications at various levels of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)  …