Michael Weitzman, Shelby Davies
Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2015, 253
Much of well-child preventive pediatric health care is concerned with:-monitoring child physical, mental and social development as well as nutritional status and exposure to social and environmental toxins;-screening for specific problems such as iron deficiency and lead and secondhand smoke exposure;-providing parents anticipatory counseling to enhance child health and decrease risks of adverse health outcomes;-provide immunizations. Prenatal period. Prenatal pediatric care has been found to improve birth outcomes. This visit best occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy. Healthcare professionals may use this encounter to educate parents on breastfeeding, appropriate car seats, and care plans for the mother and baby after birth, as well as being educated about the vulnerability of infants to infectious disease, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and shaken baby syndrome. This is also a time to assess for secondhand smoke or lead exposure and for evidence of domestic violence, which has the potential to negatively influence child physical and mental health. Women who experience domestic violence during pregnancy are at higher likelihood of preterm labor, later entrance into prenatal care, lower infant birth weight, and more prenatal substance abuse. developmental milestones. Preventive care visits are a time for the pediatrician to make sure that the child is reaching his/her developmental milestones in strength and motor ability, coordination and skills, thinking, perception, and abstraction, language progresses, communicate thoughts of increasing complexity and creativity, learn to read, write, and social and emotional …