Elizabeth Aviv, Yael Haya Waizman, Jasmine Liu, Darby Saxbe
This study will explore an intervention targeting the division of household labor in a sample of parents with a child born during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (between March and December 2020). The study will investigate 1) the impact of an inequitable division of household labor on parents’ mental and physical health, and 2) the effectiveness of a digital intervention targeting household labor on reducing the household inequities and improving parental outcomes. The digital intervention aims to teach couples how to share the domestic workload more equally through a mix of one-on-one coaching, virtual coursework, and a deck of cards. Each card represents a domestic labor or childcare task. The cards will be used both as part of the digital intervention, as well as part of our study’s battery. We will ask participants to rate the degree to which they are responsible for the “planning” or cognitive labor of each card, as well as the degree to which they are responsible for the “execution” or instrumental elements of each card. For example, an individual may indicate that they are wholly responsible for the “planning” aspects of grocery shopping (eg, taking stock of pantry items, planning meals for the week, and making a grocery list), but they split the “execution” aspects of grocery shopping (eg, going to the store) with their partner. Our study aims fall into two categories: in the first, we will analyze the cross-sectional and longitudinal impacts of “holding” more cards on parents’ mental and physical health. In the second, we will analyze the effect of the digital intervention on parents’ division of labor, and especially cognitive labor, and any …