NC Rodrigues, A Silva-Cruz, A Caulino-Rocha, A Bento-Oliveira, JA Ribeiro, D Cunha-Reis
2021.04. 19.440440
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a highly studied cellular process yet determining the transduction and GABAergic pathways that are the essential vs. modulatory for LTP elicited by theta-burst stimulation (TBS) in the hippocampal CA1 area is still elusive, due to the use of different TBS intensities, patterns, or different rodent/cellular models. We now characterized the developmental maturation and the transduction and GABAergic pathways required for mild TBS-induced LTP in hippocampal CA1 area in male rats. LTP induced by TBS (5×4) (5 bursts of 4 pulses delivered at 100Hz) lasted for up to 3h and was increasingly larger from weaning to adulthood. Stronger TBS patterns - TBS (15×4) or three TBS (15×4) separated by 6 min induced nearly maximal LTP not being the best choice to study the value of LTP-enhancing drugs. LTP induced by TBS (5×4) in young adults was fully dependent on NMDA receptor and CaMKII activity but independent of PKA or PKC activity. Furthermore, it was partially dependent on GABAB receptor activation and was potentiated by GABAA receptor blockade and less by GAT-1 transporter blockade. AMPA GluA1 phosphorylation on Ser831 (CaMKII target) but not GluA1 Ser845 (PKA target) was essential for LTP expression. The phosphorylation of the Kv4.2 channel was observed at Ser438 (CaMKII target) but not at Thr602 or Thr607 (ERK/MAPK pathway target). This suggests that cellular kinases like PKA, PKC or kinases of the ERK/MAPK family although important modulators of TBS (5×4)-induced LTP may not be essential for its expression in the CA1 area of the hippocampus.
Graphical abstract
LTP induced by theta …