SK Singh
Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.
Cosmetics products are created for application on the body for the purpose of cleansing, beautifying or altering appearance and enhancing attractive features. It is not similar like medicines in addition to it cannot be used to modify the physique function or performance. The cosmetic Industry has witnessed rapid growth over the last couple of decades. Now a day the range of cosmetic and beauty products has widened tremendously. The use of cosmetics has increased exponentially not only among in females but the male population also indulges in their use. A wide range of chemical and natural materials is used in the formulation of cosmetic and toiletry preparations. Cosmetics like creams, gels, face powder, eye makeup, shaving cream, and colognes are used on a daily basis by both women and men. The Indian cosmetic Industry has witnessed rapid growth over the last couple of decades. In that time the range of cosmetic and beauty products in India has widened tremendously. Beauty products manufacturers in India mostly cater to the great demand for cosmetics and toiletries that fall into the low or medium price categories as the greatest demand in India has always been for these economically priced products. Bearing a long glowing heritage of cosmetic and beauty, aesthetic makeup products is being used since olden days and nowadays it appear like a booming economy in India which would be the largest cosmetic consuming country in a next few decades. While the demand of beautifying substances are growing day by day, a large number of local as well as international manufacturers gradually extend their ranges and products in …