Ivan Repáč
Pěstování lesů na počátku
Norway spruce seed of different origin (from 11 localities within 4 seed transfer zones of Slovakia) was sown in two forest nurseries (Arboretum Borová Hora and Jačmeniská) of University Forest Enterprise of Technical University in Zvolen (UFE) with intention to grow up seedlings and establish a small provenance trial on UFE territory. Apart from one seed lot from fatransko-podtatranská and one from kysucko-oravská zone the others originated from rudohorská (Slovak Ore Mts.) and západoslovenská (Western Slovakia) zones to which both belong UFE territory. Growth of 2-year-old bareroot seedlings is evaluated in this study. Seed origin had no a significant effect on seedling growth in Arboretum, probably as consequence of greater effect of environmental conditions (greenhouse, growth substrate) than of genetic properties of reproductive material. Seedlings originating from rudohorská zone (locality Slovenská Ľupča) exhibited the best growth in Jačmeniská. Top and total dry weights of these seedlings were significantly higher than of those from all the other zones, except of one of two indigenous provenances (západoslovenská zone, locality Kremnické vrchy Mts.).