Mohammad O. Hamdan
University of Cincinnati
A theoretical steady state study is conducted to explore the effect of different parameters on the performance of a micro Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) that utilizes a Coherent Porous Silicon wick (CPS). The steady state LHP model is described by the conservation equations, thermodynamic relations, and capillary and nucleate boiling limits. A LHP is a two-phase device with extremely high effective thermal conductivity that uses the thermodynamic forces developed between the evaporator and the condenser combined with the interfacial capillary force developed inside its wicked evaporator to circulate a working fluid through a closed loop. Loop heat pipes were developed to efficiently transport heat that is generated by a highly localized concentrated heat source and then to discharge this heat to a convenient sink. The loop heat pipe cycle is presented on a temperature-entropy diagram. A relationship is developed to predict the ratio of the heat of evaporation to the heat leaked to the compensation chamber. This work predicts the size of a LHP, the pumping distance, the maximum evaporator temperature, condenser temperature, sub-cooled temperature needed, and the maximum power that can be dissipated for a fixed source temperature. Promising theoretical heat flux, around 100 W/cm2, can be removed utilizing a CPS wick with 5μm effective pore diameter and porosity of 50 percent or higher.