Temel Özek, Gülmira Özek, Süleyman Yur
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Turkey
Springer International Publishing
Turkey has a rich biodiversity having about 12.000 taxa. Species of the family Apiaceae are distributed in most parts of the world with 466 genera and about 3820 species. In Turkey, the family is represented by 500 species belonging to 100 genera or 531 taxa among them 196 endemic species. Apiaceae species are generally rich in essential oils. They may contain essential oils in different organs of the plants such as leaves, flowers, fruits, stem, roots and rhizomes. Chemical diversity may vary significantly regarding underground and aboveground parts of the plant material.
Commercially important species of this family include: anis, cumin, fennel, coriander, caraway etc. Since the members of Apiaceae are present in nearly all types of habitats, it is well distributed in Turkey. Some of the members of the family are grown as vegetables and spices. Due to their content of toxic substances, some representatives can be …
T Özek, G Özek, S Yur - Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Turkey, 2023